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Excerpt: A night all the university lovers had waited to share with their lover. A night before their graduation ceremony. Victor had jokingly asked about her relationship.  
She had been sleeping peacefully on her sofa that faithful afternoon until she had a dream. She was with Victor, their mouths together, their noses rubbing each other, and their eyes widely looking at each other. But she was disappointed when she was woke up and found out it was a dream. The knock on her door woke her up. The knock was so faint as if the person knocking was afraid to meet her. No one ever knocked on her door since the past two weeks she came to Enugu. She had called Papa before she travelled, to inform him she will be going to Enugu. She convinced him that she will find a better job in Enugu than in Lagos. But she knew within herself that Enugu is no better than Lagos. She knew she wanted to go to Enugu because she missed the university so much. But she missed Victor so much. Victor was her main reason for going to Enugu. She had remembered how they parted. So painfully.
It was on that cocktail night. A night all the university lovers had waited to share with their lover. A night before their graduation ceremony. Victor had jokingly asked about her relationship with Dennis her course mate. She had flared up. After the graduation ceremony, she left without saying a word, not even to Amaka her best friend. Amaka had called sometime only to tell her she was travelling to London for her masters in Brunel university. But Victor never called.
The knock on her door came again, and she wondered who it must be. She walked like an overloaded beast of burden to the door. She froze when she saw the face; those bright eyes, milk coloured teeth, the reddish lips, and the coconut like head.
“Can l?” Victor asked.
She shifted, and he came in. “How are you?” Victor asked. She nodded.
” Have you gotten a job?” He asked again, and she shook her head.
“I got a job somewhere in Lagos” . She still didn’t say a word.
“I’m going” He said standing up. She stood up and walked him to the door.
Victor almost left when finally spoke. “Do you know how many times I went to Mobile filling station just because I heard your uncle has a shop around there? Do you know how many hours I spend everyday at New Haven junction because someone told me your mother owns a restaurant there? Do you know I am now familiar with many streets in Abakpa where I thought you live?”
“Mary” Victor said.
“Tell me Victor, do you think I am here to look for a job? Do you think that I can’t find a better job in Lagos? Do you know how many connections my father has there? Are you here to tell me your achievements?”
“Mary!” Victor shouted. She kept quiet for a while, but before he could speak, she swept her two hands tightly around his waist as if he will disappear.
“I love you so much, Mary. I had followed you to this place”. Tears ran like spring water down her cheek. The next hour, they found themselves in Shop rite holding hands. The following hour they were in New Berries. And now, they are in Cannan B.

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