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First Love

Excerpt: The interview was on, on that famous channel. “My first love - one sided.” he replied. And added, “And I’m sure, your first love would also be to your teacher only.”  
Ajay Kumar, 55, the famous cine star is being interviewed on a popular TV channel. He looks charming in his light brown suit . Big eyes , long face , stout body and a fascinating smile are his stamp marks.
He confesses about his first love .
“And you loved your teacher when you were just seven, gave her a rose too.” Ranjit Sharma put the question to him , smiling mischievously , and the audience burst into laughter.
The interview was on, on that famous channel. “My first love – one sided.” he replied. And added, “And I’m sure, your first love would also be to your teacher only.”
Ranjit Sharma now smiled broadly, positively. His eyes, through the specs saying, “Yes, of course.”
” And the name of the teacher ? ”
” I won’t speak that out . ” Ajay almost interrupted . ” No, never ! ” His eyes were speaking many things . A shyness covered his face and body too. He looked down while the audience sighed in frustration.
Ranjit Sharma, baffled , was grinning .
Somewhere in an upper middle class apartment , a 72 year old, retired bank manager, fond of Ajay’s style, smile, laugh, action dialogues, and everything, got up from her seat in front of the TV, and went into her bedroom. She opened an old trunk. Her late husband on top, she kissed the photo and digging under, brought out another, a group photo. She concentrated on one tiny face. Feeling elated , she kissed it. “Ajay, though I was a teacher then – my first job, you were also my first love- a motherly love, tender but everlasting! So don’t bother, don’t feel guilty, it was mutual.” She was speaking to herself hugging the photo to her bosom !
Few petals of a totally dried up rose fell down on the floor as though retrieving the lost sweet smell of the past !

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