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He Was Mine

Excerpt: Love is a miracle after all those worse ignorance from him she still loves him the same. But the truth is that she never want him to be with her again.  
Seems like it was just yesterday, but it’s been six months. There was a poor little girl who fell in love with a widower. He was so kind, handsome and lovable. The little girl, not knowing what will happen in her future, experienced the first orgasm on the late night of december. He became everything for her.
That faith she had in him could moved mountains. That love she felt for him could melt stones. She thought she has known the meaning of life. She thought she was one amongst the luckiest girl in the world. She believed in their future with a small house, a lovely kids and a dog.
After one year he realized that she was too young and immature for him and his family. He said goodbye to her. It was very easy for him to forget and end everything but for her it was not. She cut herself that day. She cried the whole day. He seemed to have changed from that day. He started avoiding her in all ways. But how can it be so easy to end and forget? It was not for one day. She accepted him for whom he was. Wasn’t he supposed to accept her for whom she was? Life would be much better if people only talk about love once they have felt it. Some people only search for someone who can make them smile everyday. What if she fails to make you smile one day will you keep searching for another one? Why can’t people find a reason to smile  instead of expecting the person to make them smile?
Love is a miracle after all those worse ignorance from him she still loves him the same. But the truth is that she never want him to be with her again. She just have that fresh love for him in her heart. She wants him to be happy as before. She just wanted to go far away from him. She always sees him in her heart, she doesn’t want to see his real face again. But whenever she saw a shooting star, she always wish to let him know the feeling of true love one day.

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