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Insufferable Pain of one-sided Love

Excerpt: I called him and he picked up the phone but as he heard my voice he cut the phone, I was not able to understand what was happening with Rohan.  
That was a rainy evening of Shimla, very cold winds were blowing outside.This season itself became even more special in itself. But for me this thing was going to be even more special today.
I did not even have an idea.I was enjoying that lovely weather from the balcony of my room.
I was staying as a paying guest in Ely aunty’s house. That was near about of my coaching institute. I adopt the option to be a paying guest in Shimla due to the preparation of engineering entrance exams because there is no any coaching institute in my home town that was near to Shimla.
Somebody ring the door bell.I noticed that Ely aunty have gone to church. I descended down the stairs and open the door. There was a tall handsome boy wearing a raincoat was standing in front of me.
I was having a different kind of feeling that had not happened before. I had some shy nature too and very introverted was also. I had never seen that boy before, though I did not have much time, shifted to Aunty’s house.
He told me to as I stand silently in such a confusion, “Please open the fully, I’m completely freezing.” Then I realized He was shivering from the cold.
He probably understood that he is a stranger to me, so I am not going to allow him inside. Then he told me that he is Rohan nephew of Ely aunty. He asked about aunty.I said aunty is about to come from church and I shut the door didn’t allow him to come inside.
O yes Rohan many times aunty told me about him. She was appreciated Rohan’s nature, values and his intelligence.I was flying in my dreams and didn’t realized that still Rohan was drenched in the rain outside.
When the door bell rang again then I came out from my golden thoughts. I open the door Ely aunty came inside with Rohan. Aunty also drenched completely.
Rohan said irritably with a funny way” Aunty which type of paying guest you allow to stay here. She didn’t allow me in side as I already introduced myself.”
“Divya, her name is” Aunty said and just smiled as she knows my nature.  I asked for the Tea because both they are shivering with  cold. I offered the cup of tea to Rohan.
He was drinking the tea calmly with a lovely smile. As Aunty started to drink the tea she said –” Divya no sugar in tea.”Rohan laughed loudly and said I felt too sweet in tea, Aunty.
First time I felt the feeling of something towards Rohan and I felt Rohan was also attracted towards me.Rohan came to Shimla for one seminar and go back after two days. At the time he was going to bus stand he asked about my mobile number.After one week I got a message on my mobile.
Divya I am missing you why I don’t know please help me to understand why I am missing you so much. I replied by only a happy smily.
Then he usually come to Shimla almost after two weeks and we spend lots of time with each other. The sunset point was our favorite spot to meet. I was feel myself on the running clouds with colorful butterfly when Rohan was sit with me to take my hands into his hands.
At that time I feel how beautiful my world with the colors of Rohan’s love. Time was flying fastly. Almost five years around to complete of our relationship. I completed my engineering and got a very good job offer in Delhi.
I called Rohan to share him the news that I am coming to Delhi for join the company. As Rohan was already in Delhi due to job. But his phone was unreachable I message him and mail him many times but no response from his side. I was so afraid about Rohan. Is he all right?
I went to Delhi to join the company and again I started to search about Rohan.  I called Ely aunty and took Rohan’s new mobile number, I called him and he picked up the phone but as he heard my voice he cut the phone, I was not able to understand what was happening with Rohan.
Why he avoiding me like this. I was dying in pain without Rohan.I tried to contact him in many ways but all time he avoid me.
Days are converted into months but nothing was change I was alone without any intimation and fault.One day one of my office mate Surabhi invite me for her engagement party as she said she is going to marry with her lover as she was in relationship with him from last six years.
I am going to attend the party. As I left my car in parking area and as soon as I started to moving on towards the party hall suddenly the rain was started heavily because that was a rainy season again.
I was completely drenched when entered into party hall.I felt a shock very loud and my eyes was full of tears and rolling down on my cheeks, a unbearable pain i was feeling in my heart when I saw Rohan in front of me after such a long time.
But what was that he was holding the hand of Surabhi means he was the lover of Surabhi and going to be marry with her. I was not able to explain to myself what was that but when he saw me his dry shameless eyes was saying to me everything.
Rohan was cheating me, he didn’t love me, he was with someone else and I was in the world of happiness about his love.
On that day I got the answer that was a one sided love that love I feel towards Rohan but he didn’t because if anybody loves to someone he never push his or her lover in to the flame of hell of pain.
Just I turned from the gate of that party hall, i didn’t want to face the cheater Rohan again because the truth was standing in front of me.  I took my steps back with the insufferable pain of one sided love into my broken heart.

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