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Love Is In The Air..!!

Excerpt: He suspects something but was not clear about anything. He starting imagining and coordinated every tiny things he saw and wanted to see his Love..  
It was a lovely rainy evening which is the right time to feel the Love of one another. And yes they are married a month ago.They fell in love with each other some 6 years ago.
Doyou think its quite long??
Yes its been quite long for their relationship and they have eventually made their LOVE grow higher and higher. Both are doing job in reputed industry. The time they spend with each other is approximately a 20 hours for a week. They return back from office at 6 and they have a quite lonely time enjoying each other’s presence and a sound sleep to work for the next day. The time they spend might be little but the Love they share is pretty long..Coming back to that rainy evening.
It was a perfect evening day for her to convey the news that she’s gonna become Mom and he’s gonna get promoted to Dad. She does not want him to know but she wants him to realize that he has become a father. She doesn’t even utter a word about it. She expresses the happy news only through her eyes. She is back from office at home waiting for her husband.
He enters the doorstep..
Removes his slippers and finds a little tiny slipper in the shoe rack . He gets confused and thinks some kid has come home.
Enters the home. He waits for the kid he thought would have been at home but there’s only Silence at home.
With lots of confusion he enters into the kitchen searching for her lovable wife.He doesn’t find her there.But finds something different.
There are a pair of plates which are so tiny(imagine if ants eat food in plates.That was the size of that plate) and a little spoon which was about the length of the fingers of human.
Even more confused, husband rushed to the bedroom to ask his wife about all these.He couldn’t find her in the room but finds a tiny clothes lying on the bed.
He suspects something but was not clear about anything. He starting imagining and coordinated every tiny things he saw and wanted to see his Love..
There she stood at the corridor knitting a tiny sweater. He hugged her from the back. This is what we call expressing Love without words. They share Love at that happy Moment..
Love is all in the Air..!!

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