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Movie after three months-Final Meet

Excerpt: He planned for this movie even after 3 months breakup, he just want to meet me for final time and have a last happy moment with me. 

Fine Morning…

Actually it was 8.30 am , I reached my office ,its my daily routine to call him after reaching office since from two years. But after our unfortunate breakup three months back , my routine has been changed just nothing but every second waiting for his message “I am sorry ,everything will be alright, I won’t leave you again”.This is not breakup at all, we just stop talking to other, that’s it but our thoughts ,love ,caring, trust ,hope …everything is just like before ..no more than before.
The total reason behind our sad situation is his MOTHER …but I don’t want to hate or angry on her. Because he loves his mother more than anything in his life.  She didn’t accept me just because I am not from their CASTE and she stopped talking to her beloved son. I felt like earthquake under my ground when he said “Please Chitti ,understand my situation ,we should breakup there is no other scope for our love life”. From that second,I am crying like that every drop my blood turns into tears.
But today this is something different ,it was a big fight between us and he was so angry on me and said I ruined his life ,actually he who ruined all my dreams and my love but I didn’t say single word but started crying ,when he heard that I am crying than soon he calm down and said “I am sorry Chitti,don’t cry,it was only my fault ,I am sorry ,I accept that I hurt you but you too know that words are not from my heart ,please don’t cry my sweet heart ,please don’t cry ” and to my surprise suddenly he said “Shall we go for movie this weekend ?”
I was totally shocked ,in this three months we didn’t meet each other not even we didn’t see each other pics and I totally lost my hope to see him again.I don’t know what to tell him,without my response we ended the call.
By the end of the day, I got the picture message from him , Tickets have been booked for this sunday. I was so happy after three months, at the same time I was in shock and with a question in my mind …”Is this a dream ?”

Finally Sunday…

I was so excited that I am going to see him after three months ,I wore a simple but special dress (special because it was his gift) .So many thoughts running in my mind , I want to say to him ,not to leave me again and stay with me forever.He too know how much he was mean to my life .
He was waiting for me at theatre , I was ten minutes late ,so we didn’t talk much at our first sight , but I can feel the happiness in his eyes while seeing me after these many days.
We didn’t talk any thing, movie is going on .He just taken my hand into his and hold it tightly without knowing ,I didn’t say any word actually I was in lost of my mind and these many days pain in his presence . He didn’t watch the movie ,he was watching me silently , the way he was holding my hand tells me everything how much he was missing me. I prayed to God to stop this second like this , I don’t want to miss him .
Movie over with happy ended but we didn’t talk anything,from there we went for lunch. But I am not hungry ,I just wanna ask him and convince him to talk to his mother again . The only thing is he don’t have any hope on his mother,every time he use to say I know about her she won’t accept.
He didn’t talk about anything other than the movie and food , if I am about to ask anything, he cleverly changes the topic or gives one word answer. Finally he said that he was leaving this city in few days and this is our last meet .
Then I understand why suddenly he planned for this movie even after three months breakup, he just want to meet me for final time and have a last happy moment with me. While I am about to say something he hug me and said “Don’t cry for my sake and I am leaving now “.
I just left without saying anything but tears in my eyes ,with no hope to see him again in my life but with deeply broken silent heart wish to see him again and to be with him forever and ever..

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