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The Last Hug

Excerpt: This day is very special for us because on this day we had bounded in a very beautiful relationship. But I can’t be amazing that this day became an inauspicious day of my life. 
Hi I’m Arun, I’m not a writer and I will never want to be a writer but today I want to write, about my feelings , because perhaps I feel alone, without her, without my soul mate, without my Devya. 3 years before I lost her . But I feel she is always with me. I feel her presence around me. I remember when she was  on the death bed she told me that it is not our last hug. At every moment I feel that she is with me, she is watching me. so for her I start writing my love story.
I remembered those days very well, when I first meet her. She was a fresher in my college. Whole college especially boys always wandering around her just because she was very beautiful.
I and Devya were very different, like our background, our status, our likes-dislikes, our thinking etc. but beside this we fall in love with each other like we study in physics……opposites attracts same case happened with us.
Firstly we didn’t like each other in fact we had never want to saw each other faces. But suddenly after 2-3 months she had propose me and ask me for our marriage Firstly I got shocked for few minutes I didn’t understand what is happening.
“I know Arun what are you thinking about? Arun, I know like this suddenly I asked you for our marriage but believe me I really love you. Actually, truly said Arun, I also didn’t know how, when and where I fall in love with you”.
“Look Devya I didn’t want to tell lie but it is the truth that I didn’t feel anything for you. Devya you are a very nice girl and you are my good friend nothing else. I didn’t want to hurt you, please forgive me……I’m really very sorry……
“It’s totally Ok Arun….you don’t need to be sorry…and yes it is true that I love you but I didn’t want your love forcibly. Arun I just want to tell you that I love you and I will wait for you until you will feel for me.”
That day, somewhere in my heart she made a space for herself but that time I didn’t realize.
One day, I and Devya with 2-3 friends went for a long drive we all were very happy and enjoyed every moment then at same moment our car meet an accident with big truck all of us get injured because Devya was driving car her head had dashed on steering wheel with the help of my friends I took her to hospital. That day after saw her at that condition I felt that there is nothing left in life, that my life is finished, that day I realize that I also love her.
“Mr. Arun, relax she is alright” doctor said
“Thank you doctor, thank you so much”.
“It’s OK, it’s my duty and yes she is calling you so go and meet her”.
“Arun, what happen”? And what is this? You are injured. Are you OK?.
“Excuse me you asked me what happen ? Madam looks at yourself  once, you are not able to speak properly, I told you at least hundred times drive slowly drive slowly but you……you had taken oath that you don’t listen. Did you realize that how much I scared because of you”?
“Arun, OK I promise that from now onward I will not dive car faster, but I will drive slowly. Arun you love me na?”
” Yes I love you….”
After few weeks she was fully recovered, and we decide to get married but our parents didn’t accept our decision and relation ,but the wise indeed said: – “if your love is true then god will also help you” same case happened with us our true love won the hearts of our parents and we got happily married.
We were very happy with each other . We didn’t realized  that with when and how 1 year had  passed.
“10 Oct”, this day is very special for us because on this day we had bounded in a very beautiful relationship. But I can’t be amazing that this day became an inauspicious day of my life. I remembered very well that every year we were celebrate our anniversary on 9 Oct at 12th o clock, we cut the cake and we were hug each other and wish each other and next day on 10 Oct we spent whole day with each other.
“10 Oct 2013” I can’t forget this day if it is possible to change the past, then perhaps I able to stop her. I lost her because of me, I remembered how happy she was, she didn’t take a break for a moment whole preparation of our party was done by her because she want everything perfect.
“Madam where is my gift” I asked her after cake cutting.
“Just wait and have patience I have a surprise for you”.
OK I will wait.
“OK common lets enjoyed the party” she told me
“OK as you wish…and at same moment her mobile rang out…”
“Arun I have to take this call”,
Ya sure I will wait ……I didn’t know whose call is this but she was so upset and angry when she was talking ………
“Arun I have to go…… she told me after cutting the phone”.
“But where darling its heavy rain outside”.
“I know……. actually I purchase a special gift for you but because of this stupid rain my whole plan was ruined the manager of the shop told me that because of rain no one of his staff was on duty so I have to go and pick your gift…but I promise I just come in 10- 15 min” and she went. But 2 hrs was passed and she didn’t come. Just I was took my keys of my car at the same time my cell phone ring……
“Was I talk to Mr. Arun”
“Yes, but who are you? And how you call me from my wife’s phone”…
“Mr. Arun I’m A.C.P Aditya Chopra and your wife meet an accident she is in hospital please hurry up.
I rush and went to the hospital…….
Doctor ………doctor how is Devya? She is alright na doctor?..
“Mr. Arun I’m really sorry but she have only 5-10 more.”
“No …..No doctor it is not possible she can’t do this to me I just run and went to Devya’s room.
How dare you. No, you can’t leave me alone; you can’t go anywhere understood…….
“Arun stop behaving like a kid…. tomorrow is our anniversary don’t you hug me and wish me”..
I can’t hold myself ………i hugged her and wish her.
“Happy anni……ver..sary ma…madam”I wish her but I can’t hold my tears
“You to…..and what is this stop crying”….
“Don’t go yaar…don’t go I can’t live without you”.
“You remember Arun I told you that I want to spend my whole life with you and I want to dead in your arms, look my wish is fulfilled. I’m happy” And she hugged me tightly and told it is not our last hug and she left….
That day I felt very alone I felt that there is nothing left in life and I decide to commit suicide. I went on the top floor of our building and just I was jump from building someone pulls me back when I turn back I saw Devya was holding my hand….
“Devya!!!!…………….. You are alive ………”
“What is this Arun? And why you want to do this..”
“Then you told me , how will I live without you? why you leave me alone?…and you now onwards 10 OCT is an inauspicious day for me…I will never celebrate this day”…
“No Arun , No, you can’t do this 10 Oct is very especial day for us you will always celebrate this day”.
“How? How i will celebrate this day, you know very well that on this day we hug each other and wish each other, now you told me, it is possible to hug you and wish you???”
“Yes it is possible, whenever you want to hug me just close your eyes and hug yourself you feel me in you in your arm, you feel that I hug you…… I’m always with you and I’m alive in your heart only my body was dead my soul was not. My soul is bonded with your soul then you told me how we separated??? … whenever you feel alone you just close eyes I will come immediately, OK”.
Now today whenever I feel alone or I need her I just close my eyes and she came and hold my hand and saw me right path she is always with, my parents, they think I’m alone but they don’t know I’m never be alone she is always with me by holding my hands. Every year on our anniversary I just close my eyes and hug myself and then she came and hug me and wish me……Happy anniversary my love…… she was right that is not our last hug……

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