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Wonderful 335 Days

Excerpt: Holding each other hands we start walking in the park in front of my flat. Today, it was such a strange feeling in the air.Like love was everywhere.  
So far, my favorite part about this story has been the cast and seeing how they bring life into these characters. Writing them in a way that makes them believable, because the persons are believable, while maintaining a level
of fiction, because the characters themselves are fictional”
Vinit Chopra
Even though I’m too hesitate to express my myself with words, and my feelings remain unspoken.
I want you to know that I love when you play with me. When I look back at you and smile, that’s my way of letting you know that you make me so happy and I love you very much.
Being yours is the best thing that ever happened to me!
I love you laddu
I miss our midnight conversation.
I miss how we used to talk
every minute of each day
and how I was able to tell you
everything that was on my mind.
Love You Bro Sooraj Sharma
Thank you for your encouragement, your
support and inspiration.
you also guided me and made me
strengthen my focus on all that,
I ever wanted to achieve.
Thank You Prachi Chauhan
Good bye…
11 months & 5 Days have passed today. Faces are faded. Memories have become a strain. I remember every minute of each day that I spent with you. Your words have a powerful impact on my heart.
We were so happy. Each day felt like new. Now it’s not same. Work seems like a load as I don’t have any interest in work or money.
Only few are their, who still cares about me. Nobody has scolded me with love from a long time. In the day light I feel strange darkness.
Hunger and thirst is no more in me, but yes my habit of talking to myself that I have is not because of you. It’s just I love being like this only.
I promised you, that we will live and will die together. But so many vows and promises has been broken by me simultaneously that has made me upset and left me in grief and misery.
There is something inside, which is cutting me at every moment it’s unbearable. I myself want to be free today.
My body is a burden for me now, it is better to get rid of this breath.
I want the end of the story of my life.
I want to take last goodbye.
Good Bye My love…
Have a wonderful life…
Office Diary
I still remember that day.
It was 10:15 AM. I was getting late for office and tired too. So much noise over the sound of the vehicles on this road like someone is fighting. Some are selling their toys, books, flowers. It was not less than a screaming. Screeching my ears making me more irate as this whole scenario was responsible for making me late to the office.
“Oh My God!!! This traffic”.
“Today, my boss will kill me”.
I was late for the first time. Somehow I managed to reach to the office at 11:45am.I parked the car and ran inside the office hastily to press the button for the elevator, it was like not a moment too soon.
Suddenly the elevator door opened I stepped inside the elevator. Elevator door was about to shut off but interrupted by a hand.
“Oh Shit now who is this”?
I noticed the girl breathing very heavily. Perhaps she had decided the way from the main gate of office to lift in one go only.
She: “Could you please press for 4th floor?”
(Her voice was so sweet).
“Sure” I replied.
(I pressed the button)
Me: Are you here for the interview?
She: Yes.
Me: Ok. For Hero?
She: Yes
She: By the way, you work here?
Me: Yes and I am late today.
She: Oh yes, there was so rush. I have never seen so much of traffic.
Me: it is normal for people in NCR.
(Suddenly the elevator bell rang and the door opened. We reached on the 4th floor)
She took the left and my cabin was in right.
Me: All the Very Best. See you soon on floor.
She: Thank you so much. Bye.
(We both were smiling. I move towards my cabin.)
I felt joyous when I found that my supervisor’s not present. I tried to focus on my work. Physical presence was there however I was still in the Elevator. Her voice was still echoing in my ears.
“Damn! You haven’t asked her name. Kash Uska Number mang leta”.
These stupid ideas were coming into my mind.
We all know the reality that in a conversation of 2 minutes. People cannot tell you their names. My stupidity was expecting her cellphone number. If I had done that I will remember her shoes number rest of my life.
So now I have left everything on you god. You can look further. You are the only one to decide my destiny. So please whatever you going to do, please do it as soon as possible.
Somehow 3 days passed. I talk to her only for 2 Minutes but can’t explain what I had been dreaming.
First Coffee with you 
13th September 2014
I was busy in my work. I heard a voice saying
I could not respond properly as I was busy in work. I finished my work and was heading for a second one. Then I looked back, a girl was sitting beside me. Her head was bowed down. She was talking to someone on the phone. I was about to get up from seat. I heard a voice.
Hey, how are you?
I was surprised. It was the girl with whom I met in the elevator. A wave of joy arose in my heart.
Me: So you got selected here. “Congratulations”
She: Thank You.
Me: So, How was your training?
She: It was fine.
Me: Fine? Why not Good?
She: I don’t like reading notes and all. But Yes, I enjoyed a lot.
Me: Great. Your honeymoon period is over. From today onwards you have to work.
She: Yes, But after 2 days. I will be doing buddy up.
Me: Wow. Buddy up, with whom?
(Here she replied in witty way. That I had never assumed. )
She: Actually. There is a boy. I meet him in the lift on first day.
Me: Oh really! Do you know his name?
She: Yes.
Me: what’s the name?
She: Jaideep.
Me: (In shocked way) how do you know my name?
She: From your i-Card.
Me: smart haan.
She: No, Boys are smart. Girls are always cute.
Me: Right. I think I have to wait for your I-Card.
She: Its Anika
Me: You can call me Jay.
She: And you have to call me Anika only. Ok?
Me: Don’t worry.
Anika: So?????
Me: So What?
Anika: Nothing. I am thinking how can I know about you more?
Me: Let’s start from beginning.
Anika: Not Bad.
Me: From Which state you are?
Anika: I am from Aligarh U.P
Me: Oh Really?
Anika: Yes. Are you also from Aligarh?
Me: No, Actually I am from Bulandshahr U.P. But I have done my schooling from there.
Anika: Ok. So how about your college life?
Me: It was awesome yaar. I did my Graduation from C.C.S University Meerut U.P.
Anika: Sounds Good. How about Aligarh?
Me: I have done my schooling from 9th to 12Th.
Anika: From which school?
Me: Delhi Public School.
Anika: Really. In which year?
Me: 2003-2009
Anika: You know I am also from that school, same class.
Me: In which section?
Anika: I was in 9th C. How about your?
Me: I was in section A.
Anika: Ok. Waise I think, I am disturbing you. It’s work time.
Me: No you are not. But yes its work time unfortunately.
Anika: Hmmm
Me: So it’s 11:45 AM. I am going on break. Would you like to come with me?
Anika: Why not.
Then we move towards cafeteria. On counter I ask for 2 Cold Coffees. She was busy talking to her friends. While talking she was pointing her finger towards me. Might be she was talking about me with her friend. I went to her and ask for coffee. She refuses.
Me: “Now I have to finish my both the coffees alone”.
I came out of the cafeteria, moving towards smoking zone. I Press the button of lift. So this was not movie that hero will think about the heroin and she will appear. Elevator bell rang. I entered in lift.
Anika: Sahi hai beta. You didn’t even wait for me.
Me: (Turning back towards her) you were busy talking your friends. So I think lets go alone.
Anika: First give me my coffee.
Me: Sure, This is for you only.
Anika: So. Do you smoke?
Me: No
Anika: So then what you are going to do with this lighter.
Me: Will play with fire.
Anika: Acha. Then what about cigarette packet which you are carrying?
Me: Will try the taste.
Anika: Acha. Good Joke. So you smoke.
Me: Yes, Actually I am habitual of smoking. But not addicted.
Anika: Then why don’t you throw the packet in Dustbin. You know I don’t like smokers.
Me: But I smoke a lot.
She: Very Good. That’s why you are so healthy.
Me: Hehehe. You are making fun of me.
Anika: Yes I am. This is the only way to force you, to give up from smoking.
Moving towards smoking zone
“I found her lecture on smoking so boring”.
Me: So you are not serious here. Be honest I cannot live without smoking.
Anika: Yes I know you boys are Crook. No matter how your friends, parents care about you. But you have to do whatever you want. No matter it is good or bad.
Me: Oh Common Anika. Everyone have their lifestyle. And I respect your feeling here. Yes I know cigarettes are injurious to health.
Anika: Then why don’t you throw it.
Me: I won’t do that. But I will try my best to get rid from this habit.
Anika: I don’t think so.
Me: Oh! Com’on yaar.
Anika: What Dude? I am going from here.
Me: Sure. You can.
Anika: Goodbye. & I will never talk to you again.
Me: You know what. It’s enough now. You are not my Girlfriend. And Stop this bullshit. We have our lifestyles. Who the hell are you to talk with me like this?
Anika: Yes I am not your girlfriend. And thanks for your words. You are a nice person. The way you speak to me, the way you reacted “Good” Thank You So Much Jai.
It was our last coffee together probably .She went from smoking zone. I was cursing myself. Our friendship was over before it starts. I felt regret for what I did. How could I venture to face her? I have not spoken to anyone in such insolence. I wanted to apologize.
I was back into my cabin. She was already there and was looking at me angrily. I pretend to ignore her. She also did the same. Approximately after 20 minutes. My phone beeps. I saw a message. Smile was there on my face. She was smiling too. The message was,
“Sorry Jai! I was rude. But you have to say sorry too because you were also speaking in that way,,
I stood up from my chair I turned towards her. I put my hand in her hairs.
Me: You know what, you are mad.
Anika: Yes I am.
Me: Common yar.
Anika: Achha can I ask you a question?
Me: Haan Sure
Anika: Please don’t mind.
Me: Could you please ask or shall I leave.
Anika: Okay baba. Are you here with your family or you stay with your friends.
Me: (Keeping a smile on my face) All Alone.
Anika: Why alone? Don’t you have any friend or relatives here?
Me: Yes many of my friends and relatives are here in the same city. But I love to live alone.
Anika: Oh so you love Peace haan?
Me: Yes, but not every time but after office I need space and peace both.
Anika: So you know how to cook??
Me: Yes. I’m good in preparing north Indian dishes.
Anika: Wow! That’s great. I believe, I will be getting invitation very soon for a tasty dinner prepared by you.
Me: Anytime you can ask me I will do it for you.
Anika: Let See…
“Interrupting her in the mid of conversation. I ask her”
Me: Hey. From where did you get my number?
Anika: Why should I tell you? Now you have my number. You can look further. (She replied with smiley face)
Me: What can I look further?
Anika: Nothing.
Me: So can I ask you one question now?
Anika: Yes please.
Me: Why don’t you come for dinner on Saturday?
Anika: My pleasure. For sure I will be there on time.
Me: Pleasure is mine, if you will come then only.
Anika: Really. I believe I’m not that much special for you.
Me: Wait for that time.
Anika: Na na, Don’t rely on time. Whatever feelings you have you can share.
Me: I am not relying on time. But I am waiting for right time, right place.
Anika: Why, is there anything complicated?
Me: Aaj hi saari batein puch logi kya.
Anika: Fine, will talk on Saturday
Me: Sounds good now.
Anika: How about the lunch today? Its 2:43PM
Me: Nothing, I am not hungry however I can accompany you.
Anika: You have to.
I went through with the same process now. We went to cafeteria. She was carrying a lunch box. I came to know that, Tiffin box was full of “Bhindi” my mouth was full of water. She served the dish in a plate. The Food’s aroma, force me to take a bite.
Me: So tasty!!! Please forgive me if I will finish all of your lunch.
Anika: So Bhindi is one of your Favorite dish.
Me: No, not one of my favorite.
Anika: Then?
Me: Bhindi is the only dish that I love.
Anika: Really, Don’t copy me. (She argue with a smile)
Me: Oh com’on I am the first.
Anika: So what? I was about to say. But you caught me on that.
Me: Oh, don’t be smart haan. Otherwise your punishment will be not to touch a single bite.
Anika: No, if you are going to do this then I will cry.
Me: For sure you can. But when it goes to my bhindi, I am totally Blind & Deaf. Mean I will not be able to hear your crying voice, and also not be able to see your tears.
Anika: My bhindi, hey I have prepared this and the served plate which you have, that is also mine.
Me: You have your Tiffin box in your hands. (I start teasing her)
Anika: O please, that is mine. (She was a little bit emotional. Might be a funny drama of both of us)
Me: Ok. We have 4 chapattis, 2 and half is mine. 1 and half is yours.
Anika: What if we will distribute 50-50.
Me: Why? I am the owner of this lunch. (I start kidding here)
Anika: Please sir, I am hungry. Could you please give me 2 chapattis?
Me: For sure my child. You can take all of 4.
Anika: No half is yours and half is mine.
Me: I was kidding. You can have it.
Anika: No, not at all. You have to eat 2 anyhow. And now I don’t want any cross statements.
Me: Anika, please listen to me …
Anika: Could you please concentrate on lunch. We don’t have time. (Interrupting me here she said)
Me: Please listen to me.
Anika: I am deaf and dumb now. So please no more excuses now.
Me: Okay.
Anika: Good Boy.
That was our first lunch together. Really I had never experienced such kind of taste. Or the lunch was tasty because I was sitting with my future girlfriend. At last it was awesome. I can’t forget that taste till my last breathe.
Unforgettable Saturday
On Saturday morning
I was eagerly waiting for this Saturday night. Yes, she was only the reason of my eagerness. The watch was too slow. I don’t know why. I was feeling that every second was passing like a year.
Damn!!! Why don’t I have control to all the watches? So I could operate them and turn all the clock needles to 08:00PM. Oh God please help me to pass my time.
I took bath somewhere around 11:30 AM. Then I was planning the dishes for her. So she can enjoy. But I don’t know about her likes & dislikes and her favorite dishes apart from bhindi, I don’t know what to cook. My mind was stucked. Reason could be that, I never had a girlfriend. I had never dated a girl before.
Suddenly a voice came inside from my heart. Hey are you idiot. Why don’t you call your Romeo friend “Raaj” I quickly picked up my phone. And I called him.
Raaj: Hello
Me: How are you Romeo?
Raaj: Who is this?
Me: You haven’t saved my number man.
Raaj: Bro I lost my phone last month. So I have lost all the contacts.
Me: Oh!!! I am Jai. How are you?
Raaj: Oh!!! Dude where are you? I am awesome as always. How about you?
Me: I am good. You tell? How about my Bhabi?
Raaj: Which One?
Me: I am asking about Jyoti bhabi.
Raaj: Oh Com’on dude. My name is Raaj. God hasn’t made me for a single girl. If in case I will be committed to 1 girl. So who will take care of rest other girls?
Me: Hmmm. So that’s the only reason a simple boy after school became a Romeo.
Raaj: So where are you now days?
Me: Delhi yaar. You tell?
Raaj: I am in Bangalore. What about your job?
Me: Job is going well. Actually I am planning to set up a business.
Raaj: Good. All the best!
Me: Actually I need your help. And you are the only one who can help me.
Raaj: Hmmm. Before going further, can I ask you a question?
Me: Sure (Ab iske dimag me kya khichdi pak gayi)
Raaj: Are you dating a girl?
Me: Hain? (I was shocked)
Raaj: Tell me dude?
Me: Yes. I am in love. Actually 3 days before I invited her for dinner today. From morning I am not able to plan anything special for her.
Raaj: I know that from starting. The way you were talking to me. Saale itna meetha kab se ho gaya tu main yahi soch raha tha.
Me: Guru Ji help me please. Now you are the only one.
Raaj: Ok, is this the first time that she is coming at your home, or she had visited earlier as well in any party or on any function.
Me: No this is first time. We are very good friends. Yaar I just want to impress her, I want to show, that how much I love her.
Raaj: Ok Fine. See first off all you have to plan a candle light dinner. So please decorate your whole room with the candles, Balloons. And remember the most important thing that is fresh flowers.
Mean while I was trying to write the things on a paper.
Damn!!! Oh My God why I am not able to type in speed of 80kmph
Raaj: Hey dude, are you trying to write the things. (He was laughing so loud)
Me: Yes Bro
Raaj: Why don’t you record this call?
Me: Oh Shit!!! Could you please repeat all lines?
Raaj: Hahahaha, You are out of mind man. You have lost all your patience.
Me: Yes bro, you know I can’t wait for anything. I want to make this day memorable & unforgettable too.
Raaj: I know you love her and she loves you too. So you don’t need to do anything. There is no need to impress her. She is already in love with you man. So what is the point to impress her to show off the things? If she really loves you so then there is no need to do this. But haan, if you want the environment to be wonderful. So yes, you can do whatever you want.
Me: Bro, tonight I want my flat to be the world’s most beautiful place.
Raaj: Good. Wish you a wonderful life ahead with her. May god bless you both
Me: Thank You So Much bro. And I wish the same for you.
Kissing him on the phone I ask him to repeat all the things which he told me earlier. He told me to buy Candles, Flowers, Balloons, Chocolates, Wine Bottle, and dinner with her choice. I agreed on the same. Now I was trying to memorize the things. Looked at the watch it was 11:50PM.
Me: Bro can we talk later. I have to decorate my house and lot more things.
Raaj: Sure, but don’t you ever forget your brother because of a girl. If you are in any problem, just call me once. No matter it’s related to money or something else. I will be there for you.
Me: Thank you so much bro. I love you.
Raaj: Hey what did you said? You love me? Don’t change you flavor from girls to boys.
Me: I didn’t mean that Bro.
Raaj: Just kidding (He said laughingly)
Me: It’s ok.
Raaj: Bro I have to leave. I have an urgent work.
Me: Sure you can. Take Care
Raaj: You too Bro. But as if now you have to decorate your home.
Raaj laughed here and we had a good bye. I was so excited now. I quickly ran towards my stairs started my bike and drove towards market.
In a while I was going through the market shops. Today the market was so beautiful. There was a sparkle in my eyes, the glow of happiness. The world is so beautiful. Might be, because of that beautiful face in my eyes today. Why these days didn’t came before. Today, I want to capture every moment. Hey God please keep your eyes always on me. My cell phone started ringing. I stopped my bike on road side. A grin on the face came itself.
Yes she was Anika.
Anika: Hello
Me: Hmmm
Anika: Good Morning.
Me: This is afternoon Betu.
Anika: I just wake up before 5 minutes.
Me: So why don’t you wash your face with cold water & get yourself refreshed.
Anika: No, Abhi nahi
Me: Wake up from the bed. Don’t be a kid.
Anika: 10 more minutes please.
Her voice was so sweet. With the thrust of her breath, the sound of her beautiful voice was creating a cute laziness. However, I request her to wake up. Finally she was convinced.
Anika: How many evil people in this world. Who do not allow us to sleep properly?
Me: Oh really
Anika: Yes. So you did your breakfast.
Me: No, not hungry today.
Anika: Why?
Me: No reason behind that.
Anika: That’s not good. It seems that you are not worried about your health.
Me: No, I love myself more than anyone. I care about myself a lot.
Anika: Then why you didn’t have your breakfast.
Me: Actually I was busy from morning. So that’s why. But I have ate 2 bananas in morning.
Anika: Not bad.
Me: So, What was the reason behind calling me?
Anika: Just to inform you, that I will be there in next 1 & Half hour.
Me: Are you serious. I mean are you sure that you will be here around 2 o-clock.
Anika: Yes I am.
Me: So today we will be having our lunch dinner together.
Anika: Yes and breakfast too.
Me: Are you mad? It’s afternoon ok.
Anika: leave just kidding. I will be there by sharp 2:30PM
Me: But you don’t have my address.
Anika: Oh yes. Let me write it down. Yes, so tell me.
Me: I will text it to you.
Anika: That sounds good.
Me: Hmmm. So it’s 12:45 PM (Looking at my cell phone screen I said)
Anika: What Hmmm? Text your address to me!
Me: Okay.
Anika: So, See you at 2:30
Me: Hope so.
Anika: (She laughed here) I will be there on time.
Me: Hmmm. So I am in market for some important work.
Anika: Okay. Then enjoy. Take care.
Me: Hmmm. Bye
Anika: Bye.
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