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Unforgettable Love

Excerpt: In everyone’s life there is always someone whom we will love the most but never get a chance to say it. Just like any other guy, this is a true story of my friend who met his someone.  

Long time ago, there was a boy and a girl in school. The guy name was Sahil and the girl’s name was Manisha. Sahil was extremely hardworking, sincere in his goals but very shy and quiet type person whereas Manisha was adorable, sweet natured girl and completely outspoken. They both were in same class but never talked to each other.
One day both were going with their friends, they clashed but didn’t said sorry to each other. This was their first encounter together, The very next day, he and his friends were playing basketball and by mistake, the ball got hit by Sahil to one of Manisha’s friends. She started yelling at him saying that it is not a mistake as he did it intentionally. A fight of words broke out between them, after that day, they both kept ignoring each other whenever they met.
A few days later, the whole class were having their period a dance class at their main school auditorium, they all had to practice on a romantic song and for that, partners were made. Unexpectedly, Manisha and Sahil were made partners. At first, the flames of hatred evolved but due to dance, they started coming closer to each other. It is said that dance can bring closer to two persons and the same thing happened. After that, when the dance was about to get over, Manisha’s foot slipped, she was about to fall from the stage where she was standing but Sahil caught her and saved from falling down. The whole class kept hooting at this. They both blushed a bit. After the class, Manisha wanted to say thanks to Sahil, she started walking towards him.
One of Sahil’s friends watched her approaching and they all made a excuse to leave them talk. After a couple of minutes, they had a conversation and agreed to become friends. They didn’t knew what fate had for them in store. From enemies to friends and now two years had passed, They were like inseparable duo. They used to have lot of fun together until one day their story took a twist. Sahil started liking Manisha but couldn’t say to her due to his shy nature.
One fine day, he asked Manisha that what will happen if he tells her that he like her ?. She replied back with a smile, it’s okay if we remain as friends only. He didn’t got convinced and told himself that someday he will confess his feelings. A few months later,  the day when Sahil decided to express his feelings, Manisha got proposed that very same day by one of her male friends and she said yes. He didn’t knew about this and openly commented- Manisha, I love You on her face book timeline. Hoping to get a happy reply, Manisha quietly asked Sahil to meet tomorrow. He thought that might be she’ll be interested and wanted to give reply but she started yelling and shouting tomorrow. She had gone committed and didn’t wanted him to be considered for even second thoughts. She warned him never to meet her again.
Friendship got broke, they never saw each other even in class, nor after passing out of school. School life was over now and they both went on to their separate ways. In life, when one phase ends, another begins. He went to Bangalore for higher studies, leaving everything and everyone behind. Here were some friends of his with whom he shared his most of the time. Now new city, new people, everything had been exciting. He had a good friend who helped him in school and to survive in this new city, He went on to get a job at a bakery shop. One day while travelling for work purpose, Sahil bumped into a girl with his vehicle. She slapped him and said’ Can’t you see while driving ?. And for the next 20 minutes, a quarrel of words kept going on within them. Due to this small incident, The delivery got late and Sahil got scolded for his work.
This all got over and at night, Sahil received a call for one of his friends to get a drink at a night bar. He refused and kept watching movie late night. During the movie, a scene came when the girl and boy kissed each other. When he saw this scene, for a few moments, Sahil went into flashback as how he met Manisha. Tears started coming out of his eyes. Seeing this, one of his friends Avinash who used to stay with him at his flat, woke up at that moment, didn’t said anything, kept watching him. He understood something is going on in his mind.
The next day, when the other room mates were about to leave for college, Sahil was still asleep, so they all decided to let him sleep. Avinash woke up Sahil and made him realize about the time. As he was already late, He decided to drop him at college. In the car, Avinash and Sahil had a little talk. At first, Sahil didn’t wanted to talk about it but then he told him to tell him the whole story. Sahil disclosed all his secrets about the grudges he was holding inside. While he told him everything, the college came and he went inside. As he entered the class, what he sees is that class had already been started and he was extremely late. After his classes got over, Sahil went to library for some work. As he turned around to go back, the same girl who slapped her was behind. They both again faced each other, saw each other with shock and realized they both are in same college.
One of his friends went inside to call Sahil as he had some work with him and saw that he is talking to a girl whom he knew. While the quarrel of words was going on, his friend came and told him that he is his sister. They both told the whole story to him about how they met and afterwards, as it all got settled down, they agreed to  forgive each other and part their own ways. Few minutes later, Sahil received call from his boss, the bakery shop. As he pick up the phone, the boss was extremely angry and didn’t realized it was his time of his shift. This was the second time that he was late. At this scene, on that very moment, he got fired on phone. This was his worst day ever. At first, getting up late, Flashback of her memories with Avinash, coming late to class, quarreling with a girl and losing of his job. It felt like all bad things were happening with him the same day.
Irritated by all this things revolving around his mind, he and his friends reached their flat. It seemed quite darker than usual that day. As they came inside, what they see is that Avinash was reading a diary. No one realized what was it. So they asked him and he told that it was Sahil’s diary. He was outside standing at the balcony calling his parents while his friends read everything what he wrote on that. His past with Manisha, how he is feeling inside, everything about him. He also told them about what he saw last night, the movie scene incident. As Sahil started coming inside the room, they immediately hid the diary. Without even saying a word, he took dinner and slept early that night. When we woke up, he didn’t saw anyone around, nor Avinash was there.
As he saw the time, he wasn’t even late. Then he checked out his phone and his friend messaged him ‘we are leaving early for college. See you there, buddy”. As he woke up and was about to leave bed, he saw the drawer in which he kept his diary was open and the diary was also in a condition as if it has been read by someone. He thought something is suspicious going on around here. Only he knew where he used to keep his diary. Who else could read that ?. He went on to get ready, took a bus and reached college on time luckily. As he entered the classroom, everyone stopped talking and kept looking at him continuously. Without even a blink. His friends also didn’t reacted much. That day wasn’t like the usual anymore. By some excuse or some reasons, people started talking to him. The ones who never used to talk to him, also came and started interacting with him. Not only in the classroom but also outside the corridor, he was popular. What difference could make in one day, he didn’t understood yet.
As the day proceeded, the things started getting complicated. He finally asked his friends what exactly he has done ?. The cause of this was them. They typed and published his diary online and it went viral. When he became mr popular, at first he was quite irritated at his friends acts but then got used to it. He even ignored the facebook requests and messages he used to receive.
Few days later, while he was sitting somewhere in college cafeteria, two girls approached towards him. From now on, a new phase was about to come in his life. One of them asked’ is this seat vacant ?’.
He replied with a gesture ‘ yes sure you can take it’.
Both of them sat together. One of them was the girl who slapped him but he didn’t quite noticed. When he lifted his face up and saw it is her, he decided to shift to any other table but they stopped him. The incident got so much viral that almost whole college came to know of Sahil’s identity. The girl went away to order something while the other stayed. She continuously kept looking at him and asked’ Are you Sahil who’s personal diary got viral ?.
He said ‘yes’. Unlike other people, who might make fun of his feelings, she wasn’t like them all. She said I’m sorry about what ever happened between you and the girl. I really feel bad for you. She kept repeatedly asking questions and he sometimes answered, sometimes remained silent. The other girl came back with their orders and she introduced them both. Also, she laughed at the incident on how she slapped her and found he is her brother’s friend. That’s when she came, Amrita.
After this, Sahil received a call from his friend regarding a job. He had given an interview with a company as he lost his part time job at bakery shop. Joining was from next day. Sahil didn’t knew what fate had for him in store. The moment Sahil entered the office, the first thing that he was shocked to see was that Amrita was working in same office. He didn’t dared to come over and greet her. He was thinking what will she think if  she sees me here. Silently, as he was passing by, Amrita passed by and saw him. With a glimpse of surprise, she asked’ Hi Sahil, what are you doing here ?. He said’ Job interview, nothing else’. She said’ Okay I thought following me. He said ‘no, no nothing like that. She again replied’ chill, I was just kidding. No matter how much he was sad and stressed after whatever happened to him, he found someone whom he can share his feelings completely. They both started sharing time together and time kept moving and moving.
Two years later, Sahil had entered into final year. By the time now, he and Amrita have became real close to each other. College placements were about to start. Somehow he managed to get into a good company. Amrita too got placed in the very same company. He was admired in the company as a good person with exceptionally hardworking attitude. Sahil liked it, after all the tribulations and problems faced, he finally settled to make a good career. Somewhere he missed his parents, his friends and also a little bit, her too. He just wanted to meet her again once again before he die in his lifetime. Everything was going good.
One day, what happened was that while he was working at his office, one girl was staring at Sahil. Amrita was just passing by and she looked at it. She asked her’ why are you looking at him ?. She passed a pleasant smile and didn’t said anything. Amrita understood the whole scene. He waived a Hi gesture to Amrita. She too waived Hi and by a gesture, she called him away from sight. He asked what happened ?. She told that the girl behind me was staring at you and it wasn’t like a normal look. He said surprisingly’ So what’ ?. He understood the look and asked her’ Are you jealous ?’. she said no no I was just… all I am saying is you please ignore if anyone stares like that to you for no genuine reason’. She is not your type, you deserve someone better.
At that time, she received a call from boss for urgent meeting. She said bye, see u later. For a moment Sahil’s mind flashbacked when in school he was once asked by Manisha ’Would you rather marry someone you think deserve to be with you or someone whom you love ?. After this he got back to his work. The next day, it was office leave. Amrita came at Sahil’s flat to celebrate a get together. His college friends/flat mates, Amrita’s friends, Sahil ,everyone was there.
While they all were drinking and enjoying, playing games like truth and dare, he and Avinash were busy talking in a corner. Avinash said so man, what are your plans now ?, I mean your job bond is about to over, you’re a graduate now, your family stays in Delhi. He replied that I don’t know I am quite confused, either I have a choice to go back and join post graduation there or If I get a proper job, I might call my family here. Avinash said brother, there is also one thing that you can do ?. He surprisingly asked’ What is that ?. You know probably, you can think to settle down with someone. Sahil replied’ I guess I ain’t ready for that. I don’t know who is my kind ?.
Avinash- What do you think about Amrita’s friends ?. You can pick any one of them if you like, Damn they’re looking at you. Sahil- No man, not again. Avinash- go get them, tiger. Amrita smiled and winked at her friends and asked’ should I introduce him to you. She nodded. They all came together and got introduced. As the party kept going on, after some time, Sahil took a drink and came outside the balcony all alone. One of her friends also came out to talk to him. The chitchat continued.
Meanwhile, Amrita and Avinash also thought that they seem to look like made for each other, Nobody took track of time and it was already 3:00 am in the night. So that the girl’s get back to their respective homes safely, Sahil went on car to drop them off. He came back by 6:30 am in the morning. As he came inside the flat, everyone was sleeping. As he was extremely tired, he decided to took a day off from office and slept. After 2-3 months, the time has finally came to say goodbye to Bangalore. Sahil decided to went back, complete his post studies and stay there with family. His parents were eagerly waiting for their son’s arrival. He went for a final party with his mates, as after that he won’t be coming back there. Packed up his bags and left for the airport. He said goodbye to everyone and parted for the security check. After a long time, Sahil came back to Delhi. Everyone was happy, celebrations were made everywhere. He was missing all the fun in his life what he had there. And time went on and on, seven years had passed by now. Sahil had completed his post graduation, he got married to Amrita, have two small kids, happily settled in Delhi with his family, owner of a multinational corporation. Presently, Sahil came some place to meet one of his clients. He has become a really successful person. A few minutes later, he received a call that the client is not coming due to urgent meeting with someone else. As he was about to leave, a beggar came by his side.
He thought to give the beggar some money. Unaware of his conscious, while taking out money, he dropped a pendant he used to carry in his pocket. The money was given to the beggar and he started leaving from there. Suddenly a young girl who was passing by with her mother, saw this scene, ran and picked up the pendant. She was holded back by her mother saying about not touching something which is not yours.
She said’ Mom, that man dropped his pendant from pocket”. While taking it from her daughter’s hands, it fell down on ground and opened. The mother who took the pendant in his hands was no other than Manisha herself. It was her younger picture in the pendant. By the time, she realized that man was Sahil, He had already left away in his car. When her daughter asked’ Mom, did you knew that man ?.
Her mother remained silent that moment but her heart said’ Yes dear, all my life”.

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