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It’s All About Going On

Excerpt: Life is not for waitning someone and missing someone so badly. It's going on and we should live present and make it beautiful. 
Life is not waiting for someone. Sometimes when you have nothing to say about your life which is not going well and somewhere in your inner heart there is a lot to say about your silly mistakes, about situations which was going opposite to you that time and now nothing nice is left for you that makes you laugh like a little kid then anyone get upset.
I am remembering those beautiful moments that had given me pleasure and that level of happiness which i have realized after he had gone.
He is my crush whom I like very much. We spend little time with one another and that was the time I missed about him very much.
He was studying in different college and me too in other college and I remember that moment very clearly in my train of memories when he was sitting in 1st bench at coaching where we used to go and tried to solving my tomcat server problem. That was the first time of our interaction.
After some days we went to coaching and then got to know about it’s off today. We were complaining to each other for coaching faculty should inform us.
After few days..
My phone was ringing. I picked call and he was there.
“Will you come with me for pizza ” He said .
“Umm..for pizza ,I mean right now” I surprisingly said.
“yaa after 20 minutes if it will be fine for you” he asked.
“Ohk fine meet me outside my hostel” I agreed.
Then several meeting were there and I started liking him. Life turns suddenly when you have find someone special and when someone cares for you. And my mother told me a great line- “In life all beautiful things comes to you suddenly even you can’t realize its presence”.
After few months our graduation had completed and he was placed in noida and I missed him very much.
Even we are good friends right now but still I am missing him badly. I don’t know but somewhere in my heart there is some place for him. Some great people said “You only realize the importance of someone when they are gone”, now it seems true for me.
All these thing of my memory train suddenly got disturbed.
My mobile notification of message.
Somewhere someone is waiting for my reply.
And suddenly a big smile on my face got brighten and that’s how life again started.
Life is not waiting for someone . It is good to move on with things . Change is always better and it brings good  in you. It helps to mature you in a better way. Change is beautiful.

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